Kankonia has a population of 3 billion. The sapient inhabitants are highly technologically advanced and have connections with many other planets. They are also part of the Interplanetary Council. Kankonians are a subspecies of Homo sapiens. At their adult height, Kankonians average 6'0" (male) or 5'10" (female). Men average 171 pounds, while women average 140 pounds. 58% of ethnic Kankonians are of blood type B, 16% of type A, 9% type AB and 17% of type O. 5% of Kankonians are sexdactylous. As Kankonian humans are millennia ahead of Earth in their evolution, Kankonian foreheads account for a greater proportion of their head size than with Terran humans.
Dumang, Durben, Kupulshas, Hegheos, Povoi and the, the Tzelshas Islands are the six continents of Kankonia. The capital, Khoikal, home of the Pandominium, is on Hegheos. Kankonia has six oceans: the Pikutlik, the Khostorik, the Sh tebai, the Aputar, the Hwalpani and the Skahakhik. There are also many islands, the largest of which is the schazoid-slime island of Schazoma. Other islands include Ihwi, Kwisang, Saiv m, Didzhakanga, Gupoires, Raumi, Soilun, Enrez, Rinatzath, Gregdard, Omu, Anduwe, Koraless, Majika, Vien Vien, Ailoo, Tepie, Suam, Khandang, Papata, Kubra, Verami and Badeskon. Archipelagos include the Tzelshas Islands, the Azis, the Shizeres (Nakyul, Verez, Taiko, Borna and Hakar), the Karqabes, the Daineko Islands and the Kombo Archipelago (Panzka, Rabu, Kayata and Egheze), and a big archipelago called the Baptan Islands. Major rivers include the Naspar (Hegheos), the Kemiltiti (Kupulshas), the Notau (Povoi), the Soibitolpu (Povoi), the Ana (Durben), the Dzhinhan (Dumang), the Swei (Durben), the Govar (Hegheos), Imu Paata (Tzelshas), the Blespharos (Hegheos), the Valfyir (Hegheos), the Yantuth (Kupulshas) and the M put (Povoi). At the south pole of Kankonia is an ice sheet called Skahakhia.
On Kankonia are cultivated such edible fruits as apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, melons (kwalmas, kantos, phokephokes, tshamenetlabis), watermelons, dates, figs, grapes, pomegranates, mangoes, papayas, bananas, coconuts, pineapples, sapodillas, breadfruit, starfruit, cherimoyas, guavas, durians, passionfruit, lychees, kiwifruit, kumquats, oranges, lemons, shaddocks, limes and grapefruit. They also grow such fruits unfamiliar to Terrans as dakas, tzakava, yulas, kopoulos, citruses of heaven, dobushatzes, hatufalpas, litumpas, sunfruit, talmavras, xaniguapas, purzads, vagors, bubizes, pontshos, zakongs, oo'o ohohos, pai'as, hibitas, lasangas, rimbakos, quafors and guaisons, with fruits like the jopasenti, zuqo, jata, tabeymu, bodan, waruvi, nondu, taaji and vetimbu often being imported from other planets. Vegetables cultivated include peas, beans, soybeans, garbanzos, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, spinach, cucumbers, watercress, the starchy vethru, the orange arakhat, the Tzelshan white avocado, the bitter herb bokreth, carrot-like soumiels, and tisalit which produces a flavor like that of rice. Grains like rice, wheat, rye, sorghum, millet, barley, sugarcane and bamboo are cultivated, and others like the Hapoish ba e monu and Javarti ghaylva are imported. Plants grown for their nut include almonds, cashews, caramel nuts, blenchopas, chezin nuts, dazis and the Hapoish kosha nuts. Coffee, cacao and the curd-like nidu provide other products, and other plants like the betiquin-producing a a are major imports. For their drugs are cultivated cannabis, tobacco, coca, poppies, psilocybe mushrooms, the bituwas-producing camosca, the oezha plant and the pham (originally from Shaleya). Tuamois is grown for its fiber, tamalpas grown for their wood (traditionally used to make rafts), lukhars for their shizham (a white, waxy form of sugar), bakhavs for their gum and xopaidbas imported to make soap. Animals domesticated include pigs, sheep, goats, camels, tapirs, dogs, cats, wenschars (a kind of striped antelope), alpacas, fezinas (a relative of the camel with silver hairs around its neck), chickens, peacocks, ducks and bees. Quonts, a phylum of aquatic animals that use pollination methods of reproduction similar to plants, provide vwobizes (or "fruits") to eat. Popular quonts include the gobirz, the poupu, the beramet, the golbam, the selmavi, the ruzoi, the washuba, the dzirimeth, the sauba, the landamin, the sea blueberry and the kivis.
Kankonians eat pork, wenschar, tapir, lamb, camel, alpaca, goat, chicken, peacock, duck and seafood if they're not vegetarians. The planet's many fruits are important parts of nearly every Kankonian's diet. Vegetables play a less central role but many of them are enjoyed. Rice is the most important grain, although many others are also consumed in large amounts. Yogurt, including samtung (yogurt flavored with citrus juice in it), and cheese are often made from milk; wenschar's milk is drunk by Kankonians throughout life and only 17% of ethnic Kankonians are lactose intolerant. The Kankonians also consume a lot of chocolate. Favorite dishes of the Kankonians include vitzakhs (flat bread wrapped around meat, rice and flavorings such as ginger or dobushatz sauce), vitziresakhs (vitzakhs with cheese), sasoks (round, concave yellow crackers for dipping in foods), sarotus (hollow cylinders of meat filled with savory vegetables), hokola* (chunks of tapir rump meat, cooked in lard), homut na somupis (tapir ears, tails and snouts), akaghal ribs (ribs from the akaghal, a wild goat), renkharu (antelope meat cooked in a khotzoyad, a metal oven pot), voshak hetzielik (chunk of lamb with rice and ginger sauce wrapped in bread), wekor daratzik (a salad with rice, peppers, clams, mussels, oysters, octopus, crab, shrimp, pimplefish and squid), khatapas (tortillas made with the orange Tzelshan root vegetable arakhat), fried talmavras, seghurik (a soup of leeks, lentils, rice and scallops), starkli (a soup of chicken, celery and small grains of pasta), kroitz az bwevizen (pickles marinated in alcohol), koibana (pickled catfish with goat cheese), duck with cranberry sauce, B bais duck (duck glazed in grape juice), breaded shrimp with coconut, kudu rolls (spiraling rolls of millet bread), maipra (a Povoian dish of ground pork on a stick), tunnel cakes or ftohomes (pastries in a half-cylinder shape filled with cream), sekases (glazed pastries fried in batter, resembling asterisks with six "points"), katems (pastries shaped like a box with six walls, glued together by gelatin), tzikoms (flat pastry with honey and nuts on top), pausa (Povoian pastry in the shape of a pair of hips, filled with cr me and topped with marinated fruit), geteng (chewy, stretchy candy made out of the gum of the dark brown bakhav tree), tebams (orange candies made with shizham and butter), tafsui (fried spaghetti-shaped pasta made from rye), boyash (a crushed kidney bean spread), muyas (a spread made out of soybeans) and tenku (a condiment of crushed white avocado). Khatapas with tenku and goat cheese are known as adtziresizenes. Sauces include khizhour (made of wormwood, honey, raspberry juice and bits of parsley), tesla (made of tomatoes, olive oil, goat cream and scallion), pwekhweyik sauce (made of vinegar, melon and crushed chezin nuts), nahhik (made of ground taro, cherimoya sauce, vinegar and olive oil), kaz (made of dobushatz, the juice from camel meat, vinegar and peppermint extract), tashiangik (made of tomatoes, lemon juice, cinnamon, crushed almonds, egg yolk, cilantro and garlic), gernezik (made of tshamenetlabi, vinegar, honey and pickle relish) and aira (made of egg yolk, sunfruit and tapir cheese). Dressings include Tetien dressing (made of tartar sauce, egg yolk, ground pepper, cilantro and onions) and Tuchispilian dressing (made of ketchup, vinegar, mustard, sesame seeds and pomegranate juice). Fruit juice and many brands of soda are drunk. Many kinds of alcohol, such as beer, wine, rum, gin, raspberry wine, zhinwa (fermented cilantro), stenza (frozen liquor mixed with purzad juice), zoshala (a Tzelshan specialty of fermented banana liquid), ghwuma (a beverage made from figs) and yibeshiz (alcohol with bituwas added), are enjoyed by the Kankonians, who also enjoy using other drugs. Kankonians tend today not to divide their daily intake into three meals anymore.
Names follow a pattern of: surname, element name, first name. The surnames of native Kankonians are always four letters, taken from the first two letters of their biological father's (or transfemale biological mother's) name, plus the last two letters of their biological mother's (or transmale biolgoical father's) name. Middle names are taken from the elements of the periodic table: Silicon, Carbon, Stannum, Aurelium, Argentum, Ferrum, Dysprosium, Chlorine, Iridium, Hassium, etc. These can be represented in English either as the native Kankonian word or the Terran name. Here is a typical Kankonian name: Kora Ksaiheksos Don. His father's surname was Koto, and his mother's surname Vira. The English version would be Kora Dysprosium Don. Don sometimes becomes Don K. Kora when traveling to other planets, and when writing in English he could be called Don Dy Kora, using the atomic symbol for dysprosium. See a list of Kankonian given names here. Immigrants from other planets will use the Kankonian surname-first convention, but their surnames will be inherited from the old world and therefore not necessarily four letters. If they have a child on Kankonia, however, the child's surname will be taken from the immigrant's surname and her/his partner's surname, so if the Tentan-Kankonian Bendo Jim and the Shaleyan-Kankonian Ellie Mesoshabaz (or Mesoshabaz Ellie, in Kankonian surname-first order) have a daughter on Kankonia, their daughter will be named Beaz Radon Fatisha. Some surnames, such as the Dantonese Zhnudgatsh, begin and/or end with two consonants in a row, and these are tweaked so that each parental contribution of two letters has at least one vowel in it: a Kankonian-born child of a Dantonese Pmaqskhäx (Pmakhshkegh) and Zhnudgatsh can become Paash, taking the pop (P) and atak (A) from the beginning of Pmakhshkegh and the atak (A) and shekh (SH) from the end of Zhnudgatsh to avoid the unpronounceable surname "Pmtsh".
Kankonians trace their lineage through both their father (hoimas) and their mother (helemas). Although a single home will most often consist of a nuclear family with one or two generations, or be a single-person home, Kankonians recognize their extended family too: cousins, grandparents, great-grandparents, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. The brother or sister of your parent is known as ladan. If she or he marries, your ladan's spouse will be known as your mesim. If your sibling has a child, the child is your elfom. If your spouse's sibling has a child, the child is your herang. Occasionally some parents' children will stay in the house with them to raise grandchildren. The average family on Kankonia currently has 1.8 children. Kankonian households are ambilocal, even for monogamous heterosexual couples.
Kankonia has no government to recognize marriages; marriages are performed by religious officials, who are free to marry any number of people of any gender combination. More than half of all parents have never had a wedding ceremony performed. Same-sex marriage is performed by all religious officials from all major religions. There are no restrictions on race or ethnicity of the marrying parties. Polygamy (both polyandry and polygyny) are also performed by most religious officials. The parties who wish to marry are recorded on a maritogram, a two-dimensional graph that shows the name of each entrant to the marriage going down, and again going across. At the place where any two names intersect, there is either a dot to indicate that the two are married to each other, a Kankonian equals sign to indicate that the two are the same person, or a blank space to indicate that the two are not married to each other. Both the religious official and the newlyweds keep a copy of the maritogram to keep track of exactly who is married to whom. Marriage of children under 13 is not performed anywhere, neither to an adolescent or adult, nor between two or among more than two children. It is also legal for a human to marry a zhoar (non-human sapient). Some churches solemnize marriages between a human and a goat, or a human and an ape.
Traditionally Kankonians in the Hegheosik Empire would wear either the kharam for men, with slacks, two layers of robes, a felt hat and sandals, or the salvam for women, with a dress, a vest over the dress and sandals, while children would wear a simple tunic and skirt until they turned 16. Those living on other continents and in other empires would wear their own clothes, such as the wicker hat from Durben known as a chomaki. Now people on Kankonia wear all sorts of hats, coats, shirts, tunics, robes, skirts, pants and shoes, borrowed from styles worn across Kankonia and on other planets. The classic modern Kankonian male outfit of the plaid shirt, vest, shorts and shoes originates from the hazhu* workers who would pave the roads in ancient and middle Kankonia. The classic modern Kankonian female outfit of a pair of shoes along with a single-piece crop-top (sabelana) reaching down to the thighs originates from Shaleya. Occasionally a couple getting married will still wear the blue nawowat for the bride and blue and black striped luisar for the bridegroom that were traditional in Dumang. A wide variety of hats, such as the wicker chomaki, the trapezoidal dusikhar, the yellow deloite, the liss m made out of seaweed, and the notched bukharf worn by Musefi clergy, are popular.
Women most often grow their hair fairly long and tend to straighten if it is curly, wavy, or frizzy. A few wear it in a bun, and many wear dreadlocks. Currently, young women will straighten their hair even more often and wear it even longer. 30% of Kankonian women and girls wear their hair in a ponytail on any given day. Men wear their hair long, medium or short, and often put it into dreadlocks. Some wear the umangi modeled after the Chatonian method of styling coliza, in which several locks of hair in front are gelled together and twisted over in curls against the back of the head. One popular style is the somash, in which alternating columns of hair are shaven and unshaven. Young men have unkempt and often long hair, which they tend to keep curly or frizzy unless their hair is naturally straight or wavy. Many shave all their hair off (this is also known among women). Beards are common among male Kankonians, moustaches less so (unless you are Musefi). Braiding is common in some parts of Povoi and Dumang among both genders, and was popularized elsewhere from the Povoian braided style.
The Kankonian system of money is based on the pokhal. One pokhal is equal to one hundred pikhids. The denominations of money are named after the Kankonian political figures featured on the coins. Coins are minted in the 1-pikhid piece, 5-pikhid piece (sotho), 10-pikhid piece (es-he), 50-pikhid piece (sagi), 1-pokhal piece, 5-pokhal piece (tzadu), 10-pokhal piece (imra), 50-pokhal piece (zhona), 100-pokhal piece (thiana) and 1,000-pokhal piece (popha, after anarchist writer Popha Calcium Arane). Weight is based on the tzandar, equal to 0.36204 of a pound. Fifty tzandas make one venar, and one hundred venas equal one bumar. The measurement of length is based on the tzetz, equal to 10.88527 centimeters. The akhatz equals ten tzetz, and the shitz equals one thousand tzetz, or one hundred akhatz. 100 cubic tzetz make one gwanar. For cooking, the equivalents of teaspoons and tablespoons are the lalaim, or 0.01540563 gwanars, and the trokh, or 0.05127948 gwanars. A shoufi is a unit of dry measure with the same volume as one gwanar, and ten haghas (singular: haghi) make one shoufi. Fiber is measured with the vrag, which is mass in tzandas per shitz. The hafakh measures the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 tzandar of water by 1 C. The prefix tithi- denotes a thousandth, so that a thousandth of a tzandar is a tithitzandar, and a thousandth of a tzetz is a tithitzetz. A sepa is a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per imis. A ghara is the unit of force required to accelerate a mass of one tzandas by one shitz per imis per imis. An avle is the work required for a force of one ghara for the distance of one tzandas. An ootza is the unit of power in a system for which one avle of energy is transferred per imis. The number of molecules in one tzandar-molecule of oxygen is called a mize. The pirou, equivalent to pH, is the negative of the base-10 logarithm of units of mizes per gwanar of hydrogen ions.
The major exports of Kankonia include titanium, iron, schazoid slime, rice, figs, grapes, dakas, tzakava, dobushatzes, purzads, caramel nuts, bituwas, oezha, ornamental plants, raspberry wine, wenschars, cameras, spacecraft, DNA taggers, music, movies, musical instruments, and religious texts.
Much of Kankonia is still undeveloped and given to tourism. Native
plant species like the hanschts and surasmas found in the rain-forests
are of interest to people from other planets and are often exported.
Biotourism forms a major industry on the planet. One of the biggest
attractions is the wide variety of carnivorous plants, such as Venus'
fly-traps, sundews, pitcher plants, littoral shoreman plants, aquatic
glamas, and even plants with neural networks, such as the giant
carnifern. Popular animals include the sac lizard (the national animal
of Kankonia, which levitates in the air by filling its sac), the striped
rabbit-like bartibarti, the mesugas (an order of lizard-like mammals
including the bipedal madurs), the pomba (a tree-dwelling mammal whose
females mount the males during mating), the metkela (a deer with white
antlers radiating out from an erect base), the marine kalawon with
several plates at its sides, the gangapid (a four-leg-walking insect
with its semicircular wings), the aanrea (a stork whose throat houses
frogs), the noveotzon (a large, jumping ratite), the tapi (a rain-forest
bird of Povoi) and the crystal waterdrill (an endangered bird).
Deep-sea fish such as the uabangu, deongar, kudufish, popefish and
pimplefish are popular.
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Learn about Kankonia's religions.
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Education on Kankonia.
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Kankonian music.
Entertainment on Kankonia.
Kankonia and the arts.
The Kankonian language.
Health and healthcare on Kankonia.
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This page courtesy of James Landau. Write to
him here.