Kankonia being a thelemarchy, it has no mandatory education program and no government schools. Not everyone attends school, and what education there is is conducted through a combination of private schools, paying religious schools and charity schools. All schools on Kankonia are coed.
Children can be sent to Kankonia's private schools by parents who pay. Many of these are boarding schools for children who live far away from their parents. These schools for children cover seven years, one for each year from the beginning of the school year after your sixth birthday to the end of the school year that begins after your twelfth birthday. They do not have uniforms even though they are private schools, for the focus of Kankonia's schools is learning rather than conformity. The private schools cover the basics of reading and writing Kankonian, writing an essay, doing math, the history and geography of Kankonia and biology (focusing especially on the human body and nutrition). They have their students do art and write stories in all the grades. There is typically one lami of homework per schoolday and no weekend homework. Many schools are geared towards children with a certain intelligence level -- for the geniuses, for the kids of average intelligence, for the karstas, for those diagnosed with a learning disability. Those with severe MR -- corresponding to an IQ of about 40 or lower, say -- are usually not sent to school at all, even if their parents send their siblings to school. Some schools are quite prestigious, and the Northern Wind Academy in Amarqon has a reputation planet-wide for providing excellent education. It and schools like it have three lamas of homework per schoolday. A number of standardized tests are used to measure children's achievement at the uhul welas. The most famous is the Onishartz Rethridz na Poil, developed by Poil Antimony Zafir, and known as the Poilo for short. This is divided into four domains (language, math, social studies, biology), with 50 questions in each section, allowing for a score from 0 to 200 in each section and a score from 0 to 800 on the complete test. Students are divided into septiles (from 1 = lowest to 7 = highest) after taking the test.
Some paying schools are religious, and give an education that includes the subject of religion. Hazumi, Rasaphi and Musefi schools are all open. Musefi boarding schools offer lunches with only khaphra food. Rasaphi schools often teach the ancient Ciladian language in addition to teaching Kankonian. No one can get in trouble for truancy if they fail to attend these schools, as parents cannot force their children to practice a certain religion if the latter do not want to.
There are many teens on Kankonia who have never received an elementary education. These teens are sometimes given a chance if they pay for an uhul storman, or high school. These schools have seven years that cover the basics taught in schools for children, but also throw in lessons on chemistry, astronomy, more biology, philosophy, comparative religion, rhetoric, linguistics and music. Students are taught about the galaxy of Lehola as a whole and learn the basics about other planets.
One type of school on Kankonia is the charity school, or uhul na selagas. Monks, nuns, priests, paikyotes and other religious people hold schools by their Hazumi, Rasaphi or Musefi temples and take in kids nearby whose parents never paid for an education for them. They teach as a charity, and cover the basics taught in private schools. There are often classes in religion, but there is less focus on teaching religion than at the religious schools, and someone does not have to be Rasaphi, for instance, to attend a Rasaphi charity school. The average class size in charity schools is much larger than those at religious schools and private schools.
Teen-age Kankonians will often attend a college after attending a private elementary school, or if they are taught at home, will go straight to college and get their first taste of institutional education. Those who have gone to an uhul storman will start college a bit later than other youth, often beginning after they graduate the uhul storman. Other teens prefer an apprenticeship over an education, and many learn their trades and become excellent fishmongers, beekeepers, armorers, journalists, luthiers or brewers this way. Still others never get an education or apprenticeship and go into music, art or literature.
When lifespeeding technology is used, children go from birth to young adult (about 14 in human years) in a matter of months, in a "bubble" called a speeder. A child in a speeder is called a speedling (hyavit in Kankonian). Kids who have been lifesped will typically go straight to college.
All schools -- private schools, religious schools, charity schools, uhules storman and colleges -- are closed during the winter months (months 10, 11 and 12 in the southern hemisphere and months 4, 5 and 6 in the northern hemisphere). Students get the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th of the month off. Students also take off some weeks in month 4 (in the southern hemisphere) and month 10 (in the northern hemisphere). Students get Space Awareness Day, Shelkan's Birthday and Kankonia Day off. In religious schools and charity schools, there is no school on religious days such as Tzalath Day and Lekh Daserim. Some colleges have these days off, just to be inclusive of students of all faiths. All in all, there are 200 days of school in a year. School days are usually divided into six periods, but some schools have five or seven. Division into periods is used in schools for children as well as for schools for youth. Students in uhules welas (elementary schools) will typically have a core teacher with one or two other teachers for special classes.
Students' work can be graded with sima (satzim, excellent), vethen (venit, good), rether (reim, fair), shekh (sharab, poor) or kinek (kus, fail). Valedictorians, those with the highest grades, deliver a speech to all other graduates and hand them their diplomas. A valedictorian would traditionally wear a grey fringe on his kharam or her salvam, and therefore is known as a zwezidzhvirizis (grey-fringer).
In the thirty-fourth century, the tradition of the college shawl developed. Students and alumni of Kankonian colleges receive alpaca-wool shawls with recurring patterns of stripes of three colors. Each university has its own unique stripe pattern. The shawl colors of Higher School at Povoiteti, for instance, are red, green and beige. The shawl colors of Nare Hydrogen Laria University are silver, black and blue. Shawls have for this reason become a symbol of academia.
Colleges tend to have lots of non-students living in the dorms. This is a symptom of Kankonia's larger homelessness problem. Without trespassing laws, the squatters cannot be forced out of the dorms or away from the college campus. They are a minor menace to deans, but of least concern to the students.
The five Voeph colleges are selective colleges all founded by the eighteenth-century Kankonian philanthropist, Voeph Tungsten Karma.
Major colleges, their locations and the years they were founded:
Alse Dysprosium Kai University (Aroumba, 6233) A college popular among aspiring ash stars. Weed is smoked all over campus.
Ashfe Osmium Dark Oniversity (Ilanga, 1044) The most selective college on Kankonia, accepting only 4% of the 250,000 who apply every year.
Aznu Hafnium Larry University (Khiansei, 5252) The biggest party school in Dumang.
Benyat Technological Institute (Benyat, 2104) A cutting-edge technology school. One of its students, Zhime Oxygen Andoras, invented the dreamcorder, a device that allows people to record their dreams.
Bopha Platinum Yuzhos University (Nutshi, 7021) This college tends to attract students who are into kashos prin.
Deshi Rhenium Asanda University (Lushan, 4321) A Hazumi school, with a large and diverse (all continents) student body. Not very selective, so many kids who don't have that stellar an application choose to go here.
Etzin Gadolinium Asha University (Fassensprachl, 1788) One of the five Voeph colleges. Known for its swimming team, the Cormorants.
Garden University (Shesi, 4685) Garden University attracts many popana-eating students from places like Kolotha, Bodus and Kebsabhaz, popana use being rampant at this college.
Gogi Fermium Ken University (Fummus i Tanreqesad, 6051) The best programs in horticulture and botany.
Great School at Bemtar (Bemtar, -1447) A liberal arts college, with emphasis on Mophasian language and literature.
Great School of Ciladia (Ciladia, -1642) The oldest college on Kankonia. A very prestigious school, taught in classic Ciladian style.
Green Leaf University (Khernaspar, 1552) Cutting-edge mathematics.
Haaf Carbon Let University (Arsekhan, 3137) Known for its world-class rakhman team, the Fouphous.
Hammer University (Forousse, 4107) The most engineering-oriented of all the colleges on Kankonia.
Hezhe Germanium Nori University (Javasarg, 2109) A school for students who want to go out into the galaxy and change the world.
Higher School at Aivamasa (Aivamasa, 140) A school for aspiring writers, journalists and literary connoisseurs.
Higher School at Böbais (Böbais, 379) A good college for ancient Povoian studies and women's studies.
Higher School at Faimarangu (Faimarangu, 2543) Known for its sex-loving, promiscuous partying students. Its mascot is the pomba.
Higher School at Foidrateti (Foidrateti, 189) Known for best college kaitipopu team, the Pythons.
Higher School at Göpateti (Göpateti, 124) A prestigious academy that accepts only 14% of its applicants.
Higher School at Kapikaimi (Kapikaimi, 654) A school popular for writers and bohemians.
Higher School at Motebuas (Motebuas, 456) A college for the sciences. Students like to party.
Higher School at Povoiteti (Povoiteti, -239) Liberal arts. Teaches classics and the ancient Povoian civilization.
Higher School at Vaisurangu (Vaisurangu, 333) A college that now specializes in engineering and technology. A favorite for extrakankonial students.
Higher School of Soigöv (Guanapipa, 452) Has programs in physics, astronomy and technology. Students lean towards the geeky.
Hozha Aluminum Tandi University (Quemma, 9043) The biggest party school in Durben.
Kavi Zinc Stalar University (Ciladia, 3034) Known for its heroin use and high suicide rate among its students. Several award-winning poets have graduated from this college.
Kethe Sulfur Dorman University (Tashiang, 1785) One of the five Voeph colleges. The school for those who love to do volunteer work.
Kheni Lithium Neri University (Tabaghor, 1796) One of the five Voeph colleges. This is for the star rakhman players, its team the Nilgais.
Ksenendar University (Dhalatz, 1725) Noted for its perennially victorious bairima team, the Rushes.
Lani University (Spanitz, 1543) A college popular for angsty and feministic girls. It is 78% female.
Lyepomon University (Ovaikran, 1571) A college with many aspiring musicians.
Marijuana University (Dhalatz, 1556) Popular for environmentalist students.
Meme Radon Sandy University (Kamrahan, 4827) A college popular among conservative extrakankonials. Called the Kankonian college for people who don't like Kankonia.
Nare Hydrogen Laria University (Inashakh, 3607) Considered to have the angstiest students. Good poets and musicians.
Open Hand University (Chupala, 4226) A Musefi school. Students here rent houseboats, as this is near the ocean.
Rami Europium Gary University (Khawad, 1550) A classic college for all-around students and athletes.
Red Wall University (Psitha, 3297) A Rasaphi school. Students here are cosmopolitan and almost new-age.
St. Auresia's University (Dhalatz, 1666) A Hazumi school, with devoutly Hazumi students.
St. Gahal's University (Khoikal, 1733) A Hazumi school. The students here have a reputation as snobs.
St. Lenti's University (Putzan, 8430) A Hazumi school. The students like smoking marijuana.
St. Naselle's University (Okhandi, 1842) A Hazumi school. Known for its emphasis on the classics and appeal to aspiring classical musicians.
St. Pötu's University (Gomateti, 5435) A Hazumi school for "starving artists" who live a poor lifestyle by choice. Low fees.
St. Sappa's University (Maratta, 4044) A Hazumi school. Known for its world-class swimming team. Its mascot is the Disque, in honor of the native people of Durben.
School of Ktibagu (Ktibagu, -321) A prestigious college that teaches the classics. Students learn about the ancient city-state of Ktibagu.
School of Leho (Shlabem, 1621) The original Hazumi college. Students here do a lot of charitable work and attempt to change the universe.
Seven Palms University (Dharatz, 1706) A lot of the students who go here have blue hair.
Shelkan University (Khoikal, 1541) Teaches a lot about khemehekis/devesis history. A favorite for serious counterculturalists.
Shome Uranium Wanda University (Takos, 1978) A health-conscious college, with many vegetarians.
Sophe Oxygen Radam University (Nachapa, 1799) One of the five Voeph colleges. Known for its use of bituwas.
Stethoscope University (Kenalar, 1620) This is a college for socially conscious students who are involved in charitable work. It got its name because the spirit of the university is about "feeling the heartbeat" of the world.
Tethe Nitrogen Drezh University (Rhestan, 8998) Students here are known for their use of hallucinogens.
Thalana University (Amarqon, 1547) Has the best programs in zoölogy.
Trapezoid University (Majaraa, 3027) Popular for aspiring ash stars.
University of the Ash (Tampati, 4077) A Musefi school, known for its swimming team, the Jumpers.
University of Azmos (Azmos, 1878) An expensive college near Kospos, and Kospos' twin sister.
University of Brahan (Brahan, 2133) Students here have a reputation as snobs.
University of Ciladia (Ciladia, 1557) A Rasaphi school. Provides a liberal arts education.
University of the Eucalyptus (Aphalen, 1947) A Hazumi school. Students are active in a variety of sports. Its mascot is the kookaburra.
University of Exanain (Exanain, 2765) A college for health-conscious students.
University of the Fig Tree (Tutassar, 2460) A college popular among Shaleyans.
University of Forousse (Forousse, 2319) Voted the all-time biggest party school on Kankonia.
University of the Galaxy (Khoikal, 8265) Offers trips to other planets and courses in 194 languages of Lehola, from Tentan to Bt!apzh. Also covers the languages of Hyaiskindu and Earth.
University of G*apakh (G*apakh, 1549) Popular for students with a socialist ideology.
University of Hetenemphra (Keranta, 1616) The largest Musefi college on Kankonia, with serious Musefis from all around the globe.
University of Intin (Intin, 4554) Popular for Hapoishans.
University of Kherwudan (Kherwudan, 1660) This school's haitokal team, the Razors, have won global championships.
University of Kospos (Kospos, 1864) A place known for its super-rich kids.
University of Kuapateti (Kuapateti, 8876) Popular for brand rockers.
University of Kupulshas (Seghur, 1567) Has gourmet menu and great cooking classes.
University of Lezbereth (Lezbereth, 2570) Camels are kept at this university, and it is known for its world-class program in the sport of camel racing.
University of Maltasupu (Maltasupu, 5302) A college for budding entrepreneurs.
University of the Microchip (Quemma, 8094) This place specializes in computer science. Many of the courses can be taken from afar, via the PAIMO.
University of Paksas (Paksas, 2164) The largest Musefi college outside of Durben. Selective and rigorous, with courses in Phesandran literature.
University of Poparan (Poparan, -460) A school with an emphasis on the classics. Humorously known as "University of Popanaran" due to the heavy use of drugs there.
University of Rakh (Rakh, 7981) A place for students with tastes in the trendiest fashion and music. Not very selective.
Vaish Aurelium Lamanda University (Antepa, 1785) One of the five Voeph colleges. A college where aspiring writers go.
Vame Silicon Vark University (Ogiers, 1967) A college for budding entrepreneurs.
Vokhu Erbium Kod University (Bamarka, 5722) Has the most vegetarians out of any college, at 66%.
Wave Academy (Hetziel, 7248) Specializes in the psychic sciences, such as how to teleport. Students tend to be new-agey.
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